
Boost Your Immune System

Concerned About the Coronavirus?

In light of the nation-wide lockdown occurring now, it’s no wonder that Coronavirus is one of the biggest topics on everybody’s minds. But staying home, although inconvenient, is a precaution many of us are happy to make.

Here at Leo Foods, an international food and drinks retailer in Marbella, we’ve put together some top tips to help boost your immune system and prevent or fight the common cold as well as the Covid 19 virus.

Doctor’s Orders
Doctors and health service providers around the world all agree that your best protection against any virus is to follow some basic sanitation rules to slow the pace of it spreading to others. Easy ways to do this are to make sure you wash your hands regularly with soap and water (or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer), avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to keep external viruses from entering your body, and always cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue (just make sure to throw out the tissue immediately afterwards).

Self Care
Aside from paying attention to personal hygiene, a great way to protect yourself from illness is to build and maintain a strong immune system. Getting adequate sleep is a simple way to keep your immune system strong. During sleep, your body produces cytokines, a kind of protein that helps eliminate infections, so a lack of sleep can actually leave you more susceptible to illness. Daily exercise also builds strength in your muscles, cells and tissues, which are all needed to fight off any virus you come in contact with, big or small. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day is a great boost to your immune system and helps keep your body functioning at it’s very best. Finally, to keep your immune system in peak performance, avoid stress as much as possible, as corticosteroid (the “stress hormone”) lowers the number of lymphocytes in your body, which can supress your immune system.

Boost From Within
One of the best ways we can boost our immune system and avoid or fight off viruses around us is through our diet. A healthy immune system also means that should you catch anything, you’ll have fewer symptoms and recover faster. Plus, adding some delicious superfoods to your diet tastes great, so it’s really a win-win for you!

As a healthy food and drinks retailer and wholesaler, Leo Foods have plenty of immune-boosting products you can make a part of your immune-boosting diet. Why not try our:

  • Green tea. Plant antioxidants called Polyphenols found in green tea are what’s believed to it its potent immune system boost. One study even suggests that catechins, a particular polyphenol, can actually kill influenza! Here at Leo Foods, we carry green tea by Ahmad, Yogi, Sencha and Pukka (matcha) brands, so you’ve got a great choice when it comes to adding this superfood to your daily routine!
  • Turmeric, as a well-known anti-inflammatory with lots of antioxidants, is a great way to keep your immune system strong. We carry turmeric teas and turmeric powder, but why not try our Turmeric and Ginger Shot by Bumble Zest for an easy on-the-go boost to your health!
    The selenium in sunflower seeds helps to control cell damage in your body (not to mention helps fight off certain cancers!). They’re also full of Vitamin E, which is important in regulating and maintaining immune system functions. Sprinkle them generously on your salads and smoothie bowls for added texture, great flavour and an immune-boosting kick!
  • Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene that helps protect the body from free radicals. It’s great to cook with (we carry it in our frozen foods section!) or simply snack on this delicious and naturally sweet superfood with our sweet potato chips!
  • Among other amazing effects like reducing chronic pain and nausea, ginger decreases inflammation, an important factor in building your immune system and can be enjoyed in both sweet and savory dishes. Use it to add a delicious spicy kick to your favourite recipes (we carry in powder and paste forms), or give our Bumble Zest Ginger Shots, Yogi Ginger Tea, or Kombucha Ginger Drink a try. Trust us, ginger is equally delicious in all its formats!
  • We carry frozen, pickled, chopped, and crushed garlic – all of which are amazing ways to eat your way to a stronger immune system due to its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin and natural ability to help lower blood pressure.
  • Vitamin E is key to a healthy immune system and just half a cup of almonds provides nearly 100% of your daily recommended amount! Add some of our whole salted almonds into your diet for a nutritious boost to your immune system!

And don’t forget that at Leo Foods we stock an amazing array of healthy food products including organic, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and lactose-free. Whatever your definition of healthy eating is, Leo Foods has the products you want and at lower prices than you’ll pay in a supermarket or health food store.

Come down and see us at our cash and carry warehouse in Nueva Campana, Marbella. This week we are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm.

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