
Going Keto? Get to Leo Foods!

Considering trying a ketogenic (keto) diet this year or already on it? It has certainly held its own as a popular healthy eating / weight loss plan over the years and it doesn’t seem to be going away in 2021 either, so we have put together the run-down on what it is and how you can easily build your meal planning around its core components.

What is the ketogenic (keto) diet?

Created to mimic the metobolic benefits of fasting and named for its end goal, ketosis, the ketogenic diet is a dietary plan that emphasises extremely low levels of carbohydrates, higher-than-average protein intake and extremely high levels of fats. Yes, you read that right: a diet that actually promotes eating more fat. Sounds counter-intuitive, but clinical studies around the combination of these elements have shown that with time, your body enters into ketosis, a metobolic state that burns more body fat for energy, converts fat into ketones in the liver (supplying your brain with more energy), and dramatically lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, which in turn are linked to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

There are various forms of the keto diet, which vary the amount of fats and carbs that you eat in a given day, but the standard ratio to aim for at each meal is 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbohydrates. A key component to remember here though is that there are plenty of whole foods full of healthy fats and not all “healthy” foods are suitable for those following a keto diet plan. Read on.

Keto-friendly foods:

Feel free to eat these foods in abundance – just remember, like any diet, remember to vary them as much as possible for the best (and most delicious!) results. And don’t forget to check with your doctor before drastically changing what you eat.

  • Seafood: Almost all fish contains no carbs and some like tuna, salmon and mackerel, are high in fat – a perfect keto fit. Levels of carbs vary depending on the kind of shellfish though, so do a bit of research into these if you’re following a strict keto diet (when it doubt, shrimp and crab are the best go-tos – they are virtually carb-free). For a unique alternative to your standard fried or grilled fish, try Katsuobushi dried fish from Leo Foods for everything from making broths to seasoning for your meats or omelet. Yum!
  • Vegetables: assuming they are non-starchy of course! Great keto-friendly veggies to get on your plate include asparagus, aubergine, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower (turn it into mashed ‘potatoes’!), courgette, cucumber, green beans, kale, lettuce, peppers, spinach and tomatoes.
  • Cheese: Any of the hundreds of varieties out there are high in fat and low in carbs (not to mention offer a host of other health benefits we won’t get into here). Pick up some classics like Sofra halloumi or mozzarella cheese when you’re at Leo Foods, or try something a bit different like the Gazi goat’s milk cheese we carry.
  • Meat / Poultry: Choose meats from grass-fed (instead of grain-fed) animals whenever possible to up your levels of omega-3 fatty acids in this keto diet staple food.
  • Eggs: With only 1 gram of carbs but 6 grams of protein in each one, eggs are a great food to include in your keto diet plan.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains medium-chain trigycerides, which are quickly converted into ketones in the liver, so use it liberally in your keto cooking for delicious results! At Leo Foods, we carry Parachute Aroyo-D, El Granero, KTC, Heera, and Chi coconut oils brands, so no matter your preference, you’re guaranteed something great on your next keto shop with us!
  • Greek Yoghurt: Make sure it’s ‘natural’ (plain; contains no sugar). Yes, it has some carbs, but it’s also very high in protein. Added bonus: it makes for a great protein choice for vegetarians with a keto lifestyle!
  • Nuts and Seeds: All nuts and seeds are naturally high in fat and generally low in carbs, just make sure to do your research into the specifics for each kind of nut or seed though, as these can vary greatly from one to another. Your best options? Go for flaxseed, brazil nuts, chia seeds, almonds, pecans, walnuts, or macadamia nuts – all available at Leo Foods!
  • Berries: Most fruits are off-limits for those on a keto diet, but berries are the exception! At our cash and carry warehouse, we have an extensive selection of frozen berries and purees that are perfect for a morning smoothie or breakfast bowl, especially when combined with some greek yoghurt and even a bit of spinach or avocado. Top with your favourite nuts and seeds and you’ve got a perfect keto breakfast (or snack)!
  • Butter / Cream: Yay for good fats! Butter and cream are given two thumbs up on the keto plan, so enjoy them liberally. Don’t forget to include ghee (clarified butter) in your cooking plans or some yummy Middle Eastern and Indian dishes and coconut milk or cream as a great vegetarian or dairy-free alternative.
  • Olives & Olive Oil: Olive oil is a “pure fat” meaning it has no carbs. Cook with it liberally in place of nearly any other kind of oil. Pick some up to cook with or enjoy some sundried tomatoes in olive oil, available from Leo Foods, for a yummy keto-perfect snack.
  • Coffee & Tea: At Leo Foods, our coffee and tea selection is unsurpassed, so you are sure to find something that you like! Drink yours with plenty of heavy cream for added fat intake, but no sugar!
  • Dark Chocolate / Cocoa Powder: Just make sure it contains a minimum of 70% cocoa solids to meet keto standards. Our Divine by Green and Blacks dark chocolate tastes, well, divine and is 85% cocoa solids so meets your keto needs. It’s also vegan!


If you are on a keto diet, there are so many options to bring delicious flavour to every meal you prepare. And shopping for a keto diet is easy too…at Leo Foods we stock a huge array of keto-friendly food and drink products from all corners of the world.

Visit our cash and carry warehouse in Nueva Campana to browse all the fantastic international food and drink products we have to offer or explore by category on our e-catalogue at

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