
biodegradable utensils

Go greener – buy biodegradable utensils in Marbella

There can be few of our trade customers on the Costa del Sol that are unaware of the need to reduce our use of plastic. Especially what is termed ‘single use’ plastics, such as drinking straws.

Leo Foods, the leading food wholesaler for the Costa del Sol, which is based in Nueva Campana, Marbella, has a ‘green’ solution for all the restaurant, bar, café, chiringuito and hotel owners on the coast: biodegradable utensils.

The problem with disposable, plastic eating utensils

Biodegradable products are those that can be broken back down into their component parts over time by the action of biological organisms and processes. Plastic by contrast is made from petroleum, and as we all now know, once dumped it pollutes the environment for years and years. Around the world, some 300 million tons of plastic material are produced each year, a figure that is poised to expand as new forms of plastics are devised to serve a voracious global appetite. 

Disposable eating products, such as straws and cutlery, made of new biodegradable plastics from corn and other plant bases have numerous environmental and efficiency advantages over non-biodegradable products. One of their biggest advantages is that oil is not used in the production. Did you know that 200,000 barrels of oil a day are used in the United States alone in the manufacture of plastic packaging? 

Furthermore, the biodegradable utensil production processes take 65 percent less energy than required to produce petroleum-based plastics, according to Food Service Warehouse, a restaurant supply wholesaler in the USA, making biodegradable plastics the top energy-efficient choice. 

Make your Marbella greener and cleaner

At Leo Foods we now stock a selection of biodegradable utensils that are perfect for use in bars, restaurants, cafes and beach chiringuitos. Our selection of compostable, biodegradable utensils comes from trusted green brands. These disposable utensils work as well as, or even better than, the plastic alternatives that have been used for years. Moreover, they can all be composted, or disposed of in a safe and easy way that does not destroy the environment.

We have biodegradable straws and cutlery in sizes large and small, as well as biodegradable gloves for all workers who need to observe food hygiene standards. Using these can make your waste disposal easier, as well as showing that you care for our beautiful environment.

We can all play our part in addressing the plastic problem: Leo Foods is a food wholesaler and retailer serving the Costa del Sol’s trade outlets, and by offering our customers a range of biodegradable eating and drinking utensils, we hope to do our part in reducing the amount of plastic used on the coast.

And, as we come into home BBQ season in southern Spain, we’d like to remind our retail customers that you are also welcome to buy our biodegradable utensils for use at home. We’re open until 3pm, Monday to Friday for retail customers.

Every step we all take to reduce our use of plastic is a step in the right direction, and as young climate change activist, Greta Thunberg has said on numerous occasions – every single person’s action makes a difference.

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